Friday, June 17, 2011

Color Me Blue and ?????

Among many things to decide while planning a wedding, i should say that choosing a color motif is the simplest and the most uncomplicated thing to decide. Well usually couples already have their favorite colors in mind right?
BUT I WAS WRONG! Very wrong! After some researched, comparing color palettes from different wedding blogs it is overwhelming to see all those palettes :D When i talked  to Jhomsz  about this palette i love, "we`ll see" was his only reaction. Oh can`t blame him anymore, I became a palette whore jumping from one palette to another!  Can no longer decide, they look all pretty to me! But we only have to pick one despite the confusion one thing that i do know i don`t want our wedding to be bombarded with random colors that would be an eye sore.

Jhomsz gave me his choice to trim down my selection, he wants Blue.

SHAY: what blue?
JHOMSZ: what blue what? 
SHAY: light, navy, royal, midnight, teal, pool, azure, turquoise or just blue?
JHOMSZ:  baby why you always make things complicated? you decide, as long as it is shade of blue i`m okay with it
SHAY: it`s not making things complicated but being specific..hehe :p

Now what Blue? Blue and__________?Decisions..Decisions..

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