Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Something Old....

We are both bankers er...ex for me...oh well we first met at the bank. I want to incorporate that in our wedding so I told him that we will  use coins that are no longer in circulation for our arrhae . Even though we already have two-set of arrhaes as freebies from Goldenhills (ring) & CA Design Team (gown). Since we can't turn down a freebie it will serve as souvenir instead.

This will also be my something old, I have a few pieces left & I know that he kept some coins too but when I asked him he said those coins were swept by Ondoy :( So I turn to my family asked them if they have an old coins although they've been keeping it sort of  lucky charm but without hesitation they gave it to me (Thanks so much!)

This one is my favorite among the bunch it's from my Grandmother. When she passed away all her children wants to have it but Tita Helen was the lucky one who received it. She gave it to me without any doubt that we will take care of it in memory of Nanay.


P5 coin minted on year 1975

 different denomination of old coins 

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