Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Proposal

It was January 7, 2009 we were on our way to the mall to meet his parents, sister & brother-in  law for a get together lunch, some sort of pre-despidida thing which is actually not a despidida because this was not the first time i have to leave.
After a sumptuous meal we went on our own, do our thing. It was just a typical mall strolling day for us. Or that`s what i thought. Until he gave me a small box, then he asked me  " Baby will you be my wife?". I didn`t saw it coming! I just stared at him weighing if he`s just joking. But he was dead serious! There were so many things running on my mind... but one thing is for sure this is THE MOMENT!!!
Tick...tick.. another minute passed tick, impatiently he said " Baby say something". I`m just just holding my breath, seems like i`m a lifeless creature. I don`t want to look like an idiot i want to say something but i can`t say a damn word! Why i can`t utter an effing word! This is it, my moment. It`s just three letters  Y -E- S  for crying out loud! Then he said " Baby bakit ka nag ba-blush (Baby why are you blushing)?". That`s my wake-up call with pleasantness i said " I`m Not!" (of course i`m in total denial `coz i felt my face turn red). He burst into laughter, i`m controlling  myself not to. He asked me to kiss him if it`s yes and that`s what i did :D

I should be crying, jumping for joy when he proposed just like what i always see in movies when their boyfriend ask the million dollar question.. instead shocked register in my face! If i have a power to turn back time? hmm...? naaah i won `t change a thing. I guess i`m just a   "blushing bride" (^-^)

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